Thread: Frustrated!
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Old 08-18-2014, 12:08 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Essex, UK
Posts: 252

I hand quilted my second quilt. The middle section of it was done using online tutorials and has very big, very wobbly stitches! I was getting a lot of pain from it and I also found thimblelady! I bought a starter set which included her book, a set of plastic thimbles, a pack of needles, two marking pens, and a practice square (quite large, with a design drawn on for you). I worked my way through the book and completed the practice square. My stitches aren't perfect, but there was a massive improvement as soon as I got the hang of it! It was pretty expensive to get the kit, but i'm so glad I did! Hers is the first thimble I can actually use, because of the way it's designed and it has lovely deep holes for the needle to rest (and stay!) in! I have since upgraded to one of her metal thimbles because I love it so much!
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