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Old 08-18-2014, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536


At least at HF they don't ask me what I plan to make with what
ever I buy.

A few weeks at Joann's pretty much went like this:

fabric cutter: so what are you going to make with this pretty fabric?

me: Make? (small snicker inserted here). Nothing, just wanted to
buy the fabric to look at. Than stick it in my stash where all my other
fabric goes too.

fabric cutter: You don't sew?

Me: when the mood strikes me, but I love fabric so there fore I buy.

Granted the girl cutting fabric is new and has never cut fabric for me
before. But she was beginning to think I had more than a few fries
missing from the order. I did fess up that yes I do sew, not as often
or as much as I want/should. But when I see pretty fabric my mind
starts to work frantically imagining the fabric in xxx pattern with xxx
fabrics as complimentary fabrics to join it.

She had a big laugh (all the other ladies cutting fabric KNEW me so
they knew I was just having fun with the new cutter.

She was smiling the rest of the time I was there shopping.

Originally Posted by Krystyna
Lots of fun, Louise! Love Harbor Freight almost as much as I love fabric stores!
Quilty-Louise is offline