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Old 08-26-2014, 12:10 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Like others, I suggest you spend some "shopping" time on this decision. If you can go to a large show that has many vendors, do so and spend the day trying out all the different types of set-ups. Ask about their service, warranties, sale of used models, trade-ins, classes or training, etc. I did all that, rented time on a long arm to see if I really wanted to sew that way (sure did!), talked with everyone I knew with one and asked what they liked, would get different if they were buying another one, and then an extensive google search that asked about long arm purchases--but only went to those sites that were not actually selling long arms. I ended up buying a used Gammill from a professional quilters widower--love, love,love it--but the learning curve was fairly steep at first, and while I got a great deal, I don't think I would have bought as large of machine (14' table/ 28" throat)--although I do occasionally quilt for others. I had been doing SID and FMQ on my domestic machine before the long arm
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