Thread: Puffy disaster!
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Old 08-26-2014, 01:30 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by Kimarene View Post
I have made a baby quilt for a friend, as a favor. Today I finished the binding, and washed and dried it (low heat setting). I like the crinkled, old-fashioned look for a quilt, but this one came out too puffy and wrinkled to look nice.

This is the first quilt I have basted the layers using Elmer's Washable School glue. The quilting (STID) seemed to go okay and I didn't notice any problems with wrinkling, puckering, etc., while I was working on it.

I tried ironing it, but really that just pushes the wrinkles around and doesn't improve how it looks much.

I'm wondering if I rewash it and lay it flat to dry, would that improve it, but I don't really think it would look any better.

I will appreciate any suggestions.

Hi. What a cute quilt. I think I would quilt in some wavy lines to make a watery look to the open ares where the wrinkles are. Just some free motion quilting would help a lot and look even cuter.
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