Old 12-30-2009, 01:19 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by Ninnie
I am sometimes slow. :roll: so how many blocks would we have to make? And would it be our choice of a 12'5 in pattern?
You are not slow - there have been a few options tossed around. Here is how I understand it.

Option 1: We send one FQ or F8 to everybody on the swap list. In turn, we receive a FQ or F8 from everybody on the list. We then have 2-ish months to make one block for each of the participants. The blocks can be all the same - just using the different fabrics, or each block can be different depending on the fabric. (Of course, we add our own fabric to the one that is supplied.)

Option 2: The swap is split between those who want to swap FQs and those who want to swap F8s. Everything else is the same.

Option 3: The swap is subdivided into smaller groups, so there are fewer participants in each group but there is less fabric each has to send and a more manageable number of blocks to make.
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