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Old 08-29-2014, 07:26 AM
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I have never done fundraising for a guild, but I was on the board of the North Branford Cheerleaders, and we were very focused to fundraising, since cheerleading is EXPENSIVE. Here are some ideas that you might try:
1. Clothing drive - there are companies that pay by the pound for used clothing, blankets, sheets, pillows, soft toys, shoes and pocketbooks. We used Fashion Republic out of New Jersey. They don't shred the clothes but instead place them in 3rd world countries for people to buy. We made anywhere from $250-$600, depending on how well we got the word out. You might also want to use some of the clothing or bluejeans to make a couple of Project Linus quilts for donations.
2. Bottle and can drive - have everyone save their recyclables for 1-2 months and bring to a meeting. Take to a recycling center for redemption. We made an easy $100 off this and used the money to buy shampoo and toothpaste for our local food bank.
3. Pancake breakfast - if you can find a facility, like a church or firehouse, charge $6.00 a head and make a placemat for each attendee to take home.
4. Contact the sports coaches for cheer and dance. I can tell you that cheer bows are expensive - and they need squad bows, merit bows, pink bows for October and competition bows. Bows can be made for about $2.00 each and can be sold for $7.00 to $8.00. We did pink cheer bows and sold to the youth squads. We made about $400 and were also able to donate a $100 check to our local charity.
5. Sports clubs sometimes do raffles - offer to make a T-shirt quilt. They donate the T-shirts, you supply additional materials and labor, and you get your cost back plus a percent of the proceeds.
6. Do a sewing clinic! Many schools don't teach kids how to sew anymore, and many seniors either gave up or never learned how to hem, mend or sew a button. You can run a 2-3 hour class for $10-$20/person with no cost except time.

These are a bit out of the box, but they did work for us.
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