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Old 08-30-2014, 11:19 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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I agree that over-quilting can sometimes be over-done, but many of the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen were over-quilted. I hope I can be that skilled one day. Right now I have a hard enough time working on a 3/4" scale. Working to get down to 1/2" and still have the quilting look nice and even.
A 2013 MQX winner, Bethanne Nemesh, had this beautiful scene of the quilter on a beach with her children in the center block. It was absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see what they have next month! It is so amazing to see people create scenes with a cut of fabric and some thread.

One thing about which I'm changing my mind is the use of batik fabrics in quilts. I always felt like batiks should be used for clothes, not for bedding, but now I've started to use them a bit for natural elements in my quilts & find I quite like them. Thank goodness for all the creative people in the quilting world willing to experiment and combine elements in new and innovative ways! Our craft is richer for them.
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