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Old 08-31-2014, 07:29 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 609

That link is to where it is on your computer, we don't have access to that.

to upload a picture, click in the advanced reply button, scroll down to where you see manage attachments, at the top of the box that comes up you see browse, click that and find the picture you want to upload. Click upload. If the picture is of the correct size you can close the box and you'll see it where you saw the manage attachments before. IF the picture is too big it will have to be resized. If you have PAINT on your computer, open the picture in it and click resize. The box that comes up gives 2 choices, one of which is pixels. Check pixels and change the numbers below it to 600x400, 600 being in the top box and 400 being in the bottom. Save the picture but add a extra letter or number to it so the original will be preserved. Go back to the post reply and use the manage attachments to upload the resized picture. If you need more help please let me know and I'll make up some pictures to show you.
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