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Old 08-31-2014, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by lowrainehope
I am replying to this post because all of the comments seem to be following the 2012 post. Maybe some of those original folks would comment on how theirs are doing now. I really appreciate all the help with my situation, it's nice to be able to reach out to others and find answers to our problems. Thanks again, will let everyone know how this turns out.
Keep us updated, I would love to hear what you decide. I too purchased a Lund frame a few months ago and made the alterations the original poster detailed and added handles and a speed control. I unexpectedly became ill and ended up being hospitalized before I could test out the set-up... and then school started back up. I am putting my leader cloths on today and hope to give it a whirl tomorrow.
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