Old 08-31-2014, 06:57 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Brady TX
Posts: 6,613

DH & I went ta Brady & he replaced the kitchen faucet. Now the sink fills right up instead o' takin' 10 min.s ta do so. We are home even though he has tamarrow & the next day off. Dove season starts tamarrow. We will be at the lease before sun up. I'm not a very good shot & usually use up 3 boxes o' shells ta bring in 7 dove. LOL DH usually is about a 50% shooter. Mercy those dove have more moves than ya'd ever believe. One year while #1DSon was in high school he commented that one o' his teachers had told him that there wasn't any real 90* angles in nature. He was tellin' us that right he had shot at a dove that did a 90* turn. Loops 'd loops, swerves, curves, swirls ect....man they could teach me a thing or 2 about FMQ! Dove huntin' is really my favorite kind o' huntin'.
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