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Old 09-05-2014, 04:12 AM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Lanarkshire,
Posts: 47
Default Hello :-), I'm Mary

Hello :-) I'm Mary.

I've been sewing since I was three years old. I still have the thimble that my Aunt bought for me so that I learned to do it 'properly'. Tiny little thing, I suspect it was really meant for the Christmas dumpling, but it was the only one that fitted me even if it did need paper inside too.
I have a sequence of those little thimbles that neatly stack inside each other until I reached adulthood and now I prefer the Dorcas 7.

From that ramble you'll have guessed that I'm well into middle age, and having done things 'properly' for so long, I'm finding it a delight to see so many innovative techniques, tools, and enthusiasm among needlewomen (and men). The workmanship is just as fine, the skills are every bit as good and the fresh ideas are very welcome.

Quilts were wholecloth or applique medallion ones when I was little, patchwork was over papers. Now anything goes, and it's amazing to see the results. Beautiful work, lovely creations, a pleasure to admire and hear the tales of the creative juices and the trials and tribulations until the final piece is completed.

I don't have friends who quilt, so for me it's a solitary pastime, though I do get through to the Scottish Quilt show in Edinburgh each year. I joined the forum hoping for more inspiration, hopefully conversation and something interesting to read over while I enjoy a cup of coffee, with my sewing on my lap.
I'm female, multi-tasking is the norm; specialization is for insects

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