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Old 09-08-2014, 07:31 PM
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Join Date: May 2012
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Default hillbilly quilts

First off , I have to tell the machines story.It came out of a close down commercial chicken barn 80 x 300' barn, stuff full of non selling auction junk. every thing it there is covered with dust BIG time dust..I already had one of these machines. I've had it for well over 30 years, reason I found this , is that I talked to the lady about treadle machines. she had a new home treadle stand ( super rusty) after 3 months of getting her to let me look, I got the stand for $10, she showed me in another huge barn 4 machines. I bought this one for $5, it was covered with dirty dust, on the exterior , inside it was as clean as new,, a little work and time I came up with this ..singer 237. in a new home stand .. it's the one on the left the first month I made 4 quilts on this, 3 being denim. all are king sized..the denim's don't have batting. the cotton patterned one doing these 4, and piecing the top on #5 I used the same needle that was in the machine, resharpen it once. I broke the top thread twice on purpose, why ? because I was finishing up #3 and wanted to see what it would take to foul up the machine.. I have ran over 5000 yds of thread through this thing at this point ..this month and just finished last night is another denim, but this has a very thick , store bought quilt as batting, with a heavy plaid flannel as it back. This one was only pieced on this machine. It was way to thick to even go under the foot, so the quilting was finished off using a singer 31-15 basting put on with a singer 16 - 188, basting is also denim. this quilt is 100% dickies, carhart and key pants.. most where new,I hope all the photo's show. I'm on dail up , use photobucket, both have been giving me a hard time today.. now the quilts.. back of the one above I'm missing a photo of one denim..this is the thick one, I just finishedso you can see the back and then, we need a place to keep and carry our quilts on those long walks on the Beach LOLOLOL.. small beach I've made two of these so far, they are now a must have for any thing in the future and a few in the past..These would be easier to make from women s skirts with belt loops, if the waist is big enough...
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