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Old 03-11-2008, 05:38 AM
Quilting Aggi
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Posts: 2,605

I teach all kinds of stuff from quilts to wallhangings, to runners, etc. traditional blocks, applique, hand and machine quilting, paper piecing (although haven't done that in a couple years now), but you name it, I'll try to teach it!

I have been teaching for almost 12 years now and I will continue teaching til the day I can no longer stand. I get a real rush when teaching and seeing my students get excited over their project. I love to see the different colour variations and to see my students take the proejct I give them to do and put their own little creative twist on it to make it different and their own. I make my classes fun and interactive. I sometimes sew along with them.. Most days/nights it's a quilting bee feel and not a classroom! I always encourage my students in everything they do and I love to challenge them. Even if I know myself that their work is not the best, in their eyes they love it, so you keep a positive spin on things and keep encouraging them to work harder and show them techniques that might resolve the problem they might have. I am not strict or "anal" (if thats an okay word to use). I've had some of these students for a few years and they tell their friends and family about me and then I get new students. I guess I"m doing something right cause my classes keep filling. :)

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