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Old 09-21-2014, 08:16 PM
Jan in VA
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
Posts: 8,562

Okay, dear one, take a deep breath, clear your mind of hurt and let's think this through.
Does your sister quilt? What is her creative outlet if not? Do you do it as she does?
How long have you been quilting? Do you enjoy the process more than the picking of fabrics/colors/patterns?
Are you in love with the cuddle effect of finished quilts?
Have you given any away? How were they received?
Have you taken any classes?
Do you buy books and magazines with lots of colored pictures of quilts?
Have you ever searched Google Images for pictures of quilts and thrilled at the colors and shapes?
Do you have a good sized stash or do you buy for each quilt individually?

Answers to these questions will begin to introduce you to your self as a quilter, to your habits, focus, preferences. If you will allow yourself to think about these and about what YOU want from the craft of quilting, it will help you to settle your emotions around not being what someone else may be (your sister) and allow you to be what YOU are. If you have been quilting less than, say, five years, you still have lots of developing of your own creativity and quilting personality to do. You are you...isn't that a miracle! aren't anyone else!

Work to develop your creativity IF that's what you *want* to do, would *like* to do.....not if you feel you *should*. Artists come in all genres, thankfully. Find your place and enjoy it as long as you want to, then grow a different direction....if you want to. Be you. You are unique. Admire the skills/talents/direction of others, but never feel the need to be like them when it isn't you.

WE at QB want to see and share and encourage your quilting; bring it to us no matter how you finish, okay?!

Jan in VA
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