Old 09-22-2014, 06:45 AM
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Now I just have to giggle. My son called this morning. Ashlea has been sharing her e-cards and flowers with other people who haven't had cards or flowers. She has been passing them around the re-hab. She thinks this is very cool. She has gotten a lot of words of encouragement and lots of neat pictures and some funny stuff. He says they ALL love her e-cards. Oh and that second surgery is making medical history. There are people who have had strokes with clots still there and now they have hope that some time they might have that same surgery. It was brain surgery with out cracking her head open. It is like the heart cath thing I had a few years ago but they went up into her brain a second time which is somehow the medical history. The doctor used some kind of dye to find out if there was a new clot and if the blood was flowing like it needed too. She walked today! She has a ways to go but she is on the mend. She is hoping to be out of there by her birthday Oct 5. I think if you check you may find that a lot of hospitals have e-cards - look through the hospital website or contact the chaplin's office for details if you have a friend or family in the hospital.
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