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Old 09-22-2014, 03:23 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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Originally Posted by cathyvv
The ones that are used until they are in tatters. Quilts in the closet don't make memories.
That's my philosophy too. That's how quilts have always been treated in my family - I have a whole bunch of memories of my favorite childhood quilt often serving as a cape or a tree-branch tent; it was quicksand or lava, it was part of forts, it was the scene of many tea parties and picnics... The backing and bindings got replaced, the embroidery mostly vanished, and finally at some point in my early teens it got put up and I didn't see it again until I was an adult.

I have it now, in its tattered and stained glory, and it's amazing the memories that flood back when I spread it out to look at it and refold it periodically. I'm really glad my mom hung onto it for me.

I'm flattered when people say my quilts are "too good" to use...but also a little crestfallen. I (gently) argued my sister into letting herself and the kids use the quilts I made for them for Christmas a couple years ago. It was finally telling her that keeping them folded and tightly stuffed into pillowcases was going to eventually ruin them anyway that did it. So now they all drag my quilts around and I couldn't be happier.

Besides, if they never use them, they'll never use them UP and then how will I find an excuse to make them another?
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