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Old 09-23-2014, 07:49 AM
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i have been thinking about this thread for several days, it's a great conversation that sparks the depths of many quilters!

Unlike others, I think you should go with your sister's idea, BUT, in a different way....
It was obvious to me that you liked "the spin" your sister suggested, because you said, "
She immediately made a suggestion that would make the whole thing much more exciting."

Here is my suggestion...Perhaps you might think of it this way, instead. Take her "spin" and change it, or add to it. For example, if she suggested adding 4 patch blocks, try coming up with your own "spin", such as HST, etc.

In this way, you will realize you ARE being creative, and will come full circle. Getting the positive results from a "spin", but the spin will be your own!

Just an idea. I usually try to learn from other ideas or suggestions, because I really do want to learn to be more "creative", too. "Creativity" doesn't come naturally for me, either. I really do think it's a process...I think creativity is born from layers of ideas, not just one.

Thank you for starting this very interesting thread.

Last edited by Girlfriend; 09-23-2014 at 08:09 AM.
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