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Old 09-23-2014, 01:29 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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When I make a baby quilt or am asked to make one, I generally make a sturdy quilt to be loved and used. When I presented baby quilts to our next door neighbors when their twins were born, I explained that although they thought they were beautiful, that they could be used, cuddled, etc. I'm not sure if they were used often, however, both quilts hang in a place of honor in their house. Both quilts were simply pieced, a square sewn into a triangle on two sides of a 6" piece of muslin, which created a square of 4 triangles, which I then quilted by embroidering an abundance of embroidery stitches on my Janome 4000 using various rayon threads in every color of the rainbow. After a while, making two identical quilts reached a maximum number of blocks, which I then made large borders of blue and pink gingham, with a teddy bear print for the back. I know the quilt I just finished for our DGD is on her bed and she sleeps under it every night, but whether she will drag it around with her, I'm not sure. When she first saw the quilt she said it was very beautiful and she loved it very, very much - she was 3 1/2. At lease she is using it and when she grows tired of it I will make her another one; but I think she still uses the very first quilt I made for her. I do know that my DS and DDIL love both quilts I made her, and Zoe plays with a couple other play quilts I made for her. Since she will probably be the only grandchild, I hope I can make her lots more, at least they are appreciated.
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