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Old 09-25-2014, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Karamarie View Post
Reading about all these vintage/old machines makes me so wish I knew what kind of a machine I started on as a little girl. I am now 69 years old and I am a quilter so I sew on a 6600 Janome which has all I want and I have a 2006 mechanical Elna which is my traveling machine. There isn't anyone left to ask what my Mom used and used a lot - made a lot of my clothes. I do know I started on a Singer treadle and then my Mom got a black Portable - maybe it was a FW. Enough rambling on - just wanted to share this and if any of you "young" quilters out there still have your Moms around you may want to find out this info.
Chances are it was an old black machine in that treadle cabinet. Then you have Singer machines or not. Do you remember if it had any pretty decals? I remember my Grandma had a treadle and it had a Singer in it but I don't remember any decals. I think I tried to use it once and Grandma pitched a fit because I couldn't get the hang of the treadling. She went out and bought a green electric Kenmore for me to sew on - she should have sent me down to my great aunt's house. She had a green Elna... now THAT I do remember. I wouldn't know what to get if I was going to try to match up with Grandma's machine. I can tell you that about any old black machine would be fun for you to play with if it is in working order and all there.
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