Old 09-28-2014, 05:30 AM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 23
Default how difficult to resize this Labyrinth quilt?

http://www.keepsakequilting.com/productdetail/6193.htm I really like the pattern but the smallest included size is 58"x58". I had planned to do a wall quilt and make it more like 36" square. Wondering if anyone who has it/has made it could tell me how difficult it would be to resize it and make it smaller (I don't have the pattern yet). It doesn't look like the center star/frame combination on the full size is all that big so I'm wondering if the lap quilt size enlarges it and if I could just use the measurements for the center part from one of the larger ones and come up with my own sizes for the borders. Here's a link to one that's similar in size to a lap-sized one.
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