Old 09-29-2014, 06:52 AM
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Hi Kiddos... we are almost done! As soon as Donna's package arrives I will start swapping (she mailed it last week...). I have made a little "happy" to enclose, for your Christmas trees. Also, I tried to post earlier that Oksewglad (Gladie) gave us all a gift as well. That post seems to have disappeared. Gladie didn't want to join the swap this time, but she sent me packets of squares to give to everyone in the swap, as a gift. She was doing it as a "pay it forward" gift. So you will have an extra packet from her. Please be sure to tell her thanks!

Also, I am thinking of putting this swap on hold til after the holidays. First, it will give us all some time to get new scraps to cut so we don't have to send the same ones as previously. And secondly, I am doing craft fairs this Fall and will be busy preparing for those and could use the break from the swaps. So if you don't mind we will hold off swapping after this one, and resume the first of the year. Start collecting some new scraps to cut!

Will let you all know when I send out the swaps!
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