Thread: Cost increase.
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Old 09-30-2014, 05:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Bree123 View Post
Still, it would seem to make sense to me that some of these quilting tools companies could come up with some semi-covert way to market their products (like how the classes on TV do it) in a quality forum with High-Res video, good teachers & a single, clear topic. Hopefully they can make that happen in the not-too-distant future.
I actually hope they NEVER do this, because I absolutely cannot stand "product placement" ads. I would much rather either pay and not have to deal with that or have them clearly presented as ads. If a teacher genuinely LIKES a product and wants to talk about it, that's fine, but once product placement starts I feel I can never trust that teacher's word on things because I don't know if she's saying it because she means it, or because she has to say it in order to satisfy a sponsor's requirements. That's a sure-fire way to make me stop watching something!

If they want to have free classes that are clearly labeled as "sponsored", I'd be fine with that because they'd be easy for me to identify and avoid. But if that starts bleeding into classes I pay for...I'm out!

I have bought 3 craftsy classes now. One I really loved, the other two are pretty good but very long and I don't think I actually finished either one. Never felt the urge to return any of them, though. I like that you can watch over & over; the one I really loved (Leah Day FMQ class) I've watched a few times - I like to re-watch it on fast-forward with the sound off, just as a quick refresher on how she moves and how she positions her hands. It helps get me back into MY groove before doing FMQ.
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