Old 09-30-2014, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by DDuMouchel View Post
Sorry I'm the last one, Bonnie. My squares went into the mail today (Monday) via Priority mail, should be delivered to you on Wednesday. sigh ... mother-in-law is back in the hospital again, have been having to struggle to gain access to the car ...
I'm so sorry for your MIL's problems, Donna. Life happens... Thanks for letting me know when to expect your package. Hopefully our swap will be a 'go' on Wednesday!

AnneP, I was going to suggest you do SheriR's swap too (White December)... Because other people are already running swaps for the other sized squares, I probably won't be. Sheri just started another 2.5 swap. You won't get your squares until after Christmas, tho.

You also might consider joining the Birthday Squares Swap next March, too. It uses 2.5" squares. You send 50 to each person in the group, on their birthday. Fun, and when it's your birthday you get the motherlode of squares from all the other members! It's listed in the swaps section, but it's currently full until next March when a new year starts.
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