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Old 10-02-2014, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by evelyn5269 View Post
Is there a pattern for this. Looking at all the different shapes it looks hard. I would love to try it though with all the stash I have.
I am not sure there is a published pattern. I attended a workshop years ago, and the instructor just told us how to do it. It should be fairly easy to duplicate though. It is made with 9 fat quarters, though I just bought fabric and "made" fat quarters.

Create a "pattern"...I just taped computer paper together until I had it the size I wanted. In this case, I started with a piece 15 inches wide and 17 inches deep. Then I drew lines, dividing it however I wanted. I made 9 pieces, because I had 9 different fabrics. I also wanted the pieces sort of diagonal-like. I stacked the 9 fat quarters on top of each other, put the pattern on top, and cut the lines. I then shuffled the pieces and sewed them together. There is a lot that needs to be trimmed off, or at least there was the way I sew. I did sort of chain stitch....sewing two pieces from each block together....only nine times. Ideally I think each block should have 9 different colors. That doesn't matter so much to me, as you can tell by looking.

I haven't trimmed these blocks yet, but I think the final size will be something like 13 x 15.

This probably is too confusing to be any help. I have seen a quilt like this in a quilt shop too, though it had much smaller blocks and probably wasn't started with fat quarters.

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