Old 10-06-2014, 08:38 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
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I'm two Saturdays behind, thanks to a dentist who made me go through a lot of unnecessary, debilitating pain. My regular dentist has hired a new partner. The "partner dentist" prepped one of my teeth for a crown, made the impressions for a permanent crown, then put a temporary crown on. Afterwards, I kept calling and showing up at their office, in terrible pain, and the "partner dentist" just kept saying it "shouldn't be hurting", and kept throwing pain pills at me. Then my permanent crown arrived a few days early, and the "partner dentist" installed it without numbing my mouth. I just about went through the roof. She said it would stop the pain, though. However, the pain only got worse. I finally went back and insisted on seeing my regular dentist, and within literally two seconds he determined that the tooth was abcessed. Root canal, right there on the spot. He had a hard time drilling through the crown, plus he couldn't get me numb enough, I guess because I was already in such bad pain. He even changed to a stronger numbing medicine, which would work for maybe a minute, then the pain would come right back. Needless to say, the root canal procedure was pretty horrible. To add insult to injury, DH was on vacation last week, so we didn't get to do anything fun, since I didn't feel like doing anything but sleep (pain meds knock me out). I overheard a conversation during my root canal, and I'm pretty sure my regular dentist was not at ALL happy with the "partner dentist".

But anyway, I'm feeling considerably better now, and the antibiotics have started kicking in, so hopefully I can get caught up on the mystery quilt in the next few days.
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