Old 10-09-2014, 09:36 AM
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My second package arrived! I did not open it yet... I am not intending to start any drama, but I have been working through a possible medical emergency with my daughter (she has spina bifida & uses a wheelchair) yesterday & today. She woke up yesterday with a severely swollen leg. By the time we got to doctor yesterday afternoon, it looked normal. We opted to do nothing & watch it. Now, she woke again with swollen leg, so I'm on phone all day making calls between our Pittsburgh doctors & local doctors to figure out which direction to go. Waiting now on hospital scheduling department to call back as to when we can do a doppler study on her leg to see if there is a clot. That is a worry. We'll also get an xray to see if there is a fracture. She has no sensation in her legs, so she cannot tell us what is going on. I want to open my package when I can truly enjoy it. That will be later tonight after we get some answers.

I have my packages ready to go - if I get to stop at a post office, they will leave home today! If not, definitely tomorrow.

Last edited by TiltedEars; 10-09-2014 at 09:37 AM. Reason: forgot something!
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