Old 10-10-2014, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by [email protected]
Dina do you have a blog that I could follow to learn how to do Bargellos? Yours are just beautiful, I want to learn more & more about them.
Jeri, I don't have a blog, but you could learn the way I did. I bought Eileen Wright's book, Twist and Turn Bargello. There are about ten patterns in it, inculding the Surf Song....but at the back of the book is pattern to make place mats. The instructions there are designed for someone who has never made a Bargello and is just trying to wrap his/her mind around how to do it.

I made one, and it gave me the confidence to do the Surf Song next. Since then I have made 7 Bargellos, and I am playing around with an idea for another. If you read the instructions several times before you start, they start to make sense. Then just go for it. Basically you are cutting up strips, sewing them back together to make a new "fabric", and then cutting those up and sewing them together.

I made this place mat, my first Bargello, last November, and, I promise, if I can do it, you can. I have only been quilting 4 years...so I consider myself sort of an experienced beginner.

Okay, here's the picture. Hope some of this helps you decide to go for it!

Attached Thumbnails s8001584.jpg  
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