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Old 10-14-2014, 07:16 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
Posts: 4,299

My sewing room is in my front room, so my view overlooks the front porch and the front yard which is currently depressingly brown and dead due to the drought. I usually keep the blinds closed, though, because there are way too many door-to-door salespeople who ignore our "no soliciting" sign. If they can't see me, I can just ignore them when they ring the bell. If the blinds are open, it's much harder to pretend I'm not home!

DH & I are in the process of getting estimates to have our whole front lawn ripped out, though. Grass is just a waste of water and we don't use that yard (it's tiny and has no fence) so might as well make it pretty and interesting. A couple of our neighbors have nice xeriscaped front yards and I'd like to do the same; fill the yard space with a couple of nice boulders that match the rock facing on the house, and surround them with local flora that doesn't need much work (or water!) to stay happy. That might tempt me to keep the blinds open!
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