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Old 10-15-2014, 05:13 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by SueSew
QuiltE, My Janome won't go lower than 1 - it goes straight to zero. Hmmm maybe my old elna would, I'll have to try it. but one??? that is the stitch length of the width of a hand-quilting needle, thin-thin! Well, next round in the medallion is the star blocks and they are paper-pieced too so I will try it. THANK YOU ! Can I leave work now? LOL Can't wait!
Sure yope you have left work and are sewing to your heart's content.
Yes, 1.0 .... lower than the 1.5 you have been using.
I did a LOT of PPing with my Janome at the 1.0 ..... slick as can be, and I seldom had any problems getting the pieces to come off. If it was tedious, I would not have lasted with PPing!
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