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Old 10-17-2014, 12:19 PM
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Default Christmas with Adult Children

How do you all handle gift giving in families with grown children? I have two grown daughters and their husbands and two grandchildren. That's it - not too many to shop for. Both my daughters are doctors and their husbands also make good money. The girls want to draw names this year in an effort to simplify things. I don't really see this as being complicated, especially since they both use my Amazon Prime account (no shipping fees) for their shopping. It's not like they are out battling crowds.

Anyway, I told them they could draw names among themselves if they choose to but that I would give each of my children (including SILs) and grandchildren gifts. I also told them I would be happy to limit myself in the number of gifts purchased for each person. I usually give them about 5 presents each but only one of those presents per person costs over $20. The rest are usually very small kitchen or shop gadgets - just things that I think they would truly enjoy but probably wouldn't buy for themselves. I have never given my grandchildren more than 3 gifts for Christmas or Birthday as I feel that the majority of presents should come from their own parents.

I also told them that they didn't have to purchase gifts for their father and I. We would be thrilled with their time helping to decorate or prepare for the meals or going to church with us the Sunday before Christmas. Or if they wanted, one of them could get their father a gift and one could get me something. And I pointed out to them that neither of us want anything expensive or physically large so wrapping and transporting shouldn't be a problem. I also told them if they want to put a $ limit or a # of packages limit on me that would probably be ok.

One of my daughters thinks I am being totally unreasonable. I don't see what's wrong with parents giving their children (grown or not) a few Christmas presents, especially if it gives us joy to do so.

So I'm curious, what does your family do about Christmas giving?

Thanks in advance.
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