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Old 03-12-2008, 11:13 AM
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When I first started to freemotion quilt it was awful. I thought that I would never get the hang of it. But with practice and lots of it I think it's passable now. The big problem I have is that when I have got a rhythm going I tend to relax and loose tight concentration and then the machine starts to go faster and my stitches get smaller and more uneven. I think the key is concentration and relaxation along with smooth even movement. My quilt also use to catch on the edge of the table or cabinet or whatever surface I was working on. My husband fashioned a large extension table and put some long pieces of pcv pipe over it so my quilt just rolls over it and doesn't catch anymore. My advice is to keep at it and use every tool and piece of advice at your disposal and you will eventually become a pro or at least as good as you want to become. Oh ya and a darning/quilting foot, the kind with the spring on it, helps a lot. :P
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