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Old 10-21-2014, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by w1613s
While involved in something corn starchy I read the "Cook's Tips" part of the label on the large (35 oz.) can of Argo Corn Starch. Some wonderful Home Ec. teacher, long since gone to her reward, told us that one could make their own cake flour. Lo and behold, Argo has the recipe printed on the can.

And I quote, "For 1 cup Cake Flour combine 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour with 2 Tbsp. Argo Corn Starch."

PLEASE NOTE that I have never done this and cannot vouch for success BUT it has come to my attention that what is printed on the label of a food related product is usually successful. Thinking about it, printing something incorrect or failing on your label would be counter productive to sales.

Silly story. My family has been using a fruitcake recipe for generations. Three generations of us have made the recipe - same EXACT bag of flour and other ingredients as well as oven. My grandmother and mother baked fruitcake that was dense and the fruit was at the bottom of their loaves. Mine was light (angelfood-ish), fluffy, and the fruit was throughout the loaf. We could not figure it out but it happenned time after time. We checked as many variables as we could think of: how I used the mixer, temperature of ingredients, etc. Every fruitcake I baked was fluffy fruitcake with fruit throughout. Theirs weren't. (Note: fruitcake was a big deal in the family. The joke, until I came along, was the fruit on the bottom.) No mystery any longer. I am the only one left.) We never solved the problem.

Thanks for being patient with the digression.

All other factors being the same, I'm wondering about the method of mixing the cakes. The more dough is worked (after the liquid is added to the dry ingredients), the more gluten is released and the heavier the end product will be. A heavier cake would prevent the fruit from rising evenly. Just a thought.
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