Old 10-22-2014, 03:42 PM
Blue Bell
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Originally Posted by Ladybug 1938 View Post
Blue Bell Now that you have told us I can see the resemblance maybe he can make into a little table for the squirrels or chipmunks if you have them. We don't have them in Florida, but they are cute to watch but very destructive... Thre t en't enugh hours n he day for me since I got out of the hospital.. I can't seem to catch up on emails, but do manage to read the board... Hugs and prayers for those in need... Lynnie how are you???
I would be very happy to send you a bunch of chipmunks, squirrels, red squirrels which are extremely distractive, bats, hawks and deer. I won't send you any turkeys for they like to eat bugs.
Hope you recover quickly from your illness. No fun to be under the weather.
Blue Bell
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