Thread: Suggestions?
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Old 10-26-2014, 08:05 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chula Vista CA
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I have to admit that I do have trouble completing a quilt because I can't visualize it when it is done and begin not liking my color choices or my the pattern - it happens with almost every quilt! I am working on one now with embroidered patches that I will be sending to an LA to quilt because I want it done looking better than I can do on my DSM. I hope to finish it this month since I would like it done before Christmas.

Is your mother still quilting? My mom quit sewing over 40 years ago, she was going to make an outfit for my daughter 30 years ago. She bought the pattern, the fabric, thread and buttons. It never got done, she sent it all to me and I ended up using the fabric for the back of a quilt for my daughter. The rest went to Goodwill. When she gave it to me, she said she finally decided that she really liked looking at patterns and she loved to buy the fabric but she just didn't like the sewing. It didn't help that she didn't have a table to put up for cutting out the pattern and she wasn't able to crawl around on the floor anymore. She had a neighbor that sewed clothing for her missionaries well into 90's. So my mom had the inspiration but never got past that. She was thrilled when I said I wanted her Singer - it gave her an excuse she was no longer able to sew. It was too bad, she really was quite good. But she had CTS and when that would act up, it took her a week to make the flare-up subside.

So don't beat yourself up - just don't get rid of all your fabric until you are totally sure.
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