Thread: Suggestions?
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Old 10-28-2014, 08:19 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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Originally Posted by madamekelly View Post
I had the same problem a while back. It was just too frustrating to work so hard on piecing and the not be physically able to machine quilt on my domestic machine. (Too many back injuries) so, for a while I made nothing, and suffered guilt over all the fabric not being used. My solution was to find a way to be able to quilt them myself, and still have some fun. The answer came late one night when I could not sleep. quilt as you go! I watched probably hundreds of YouTube videos until I had found a method that I could manage, and a result I could be happy with. Now I am experimenting with all kinds of patterns for QAG. Applique, panels, as well as piecing. I think I have found my niche. I know you will find yours.
I relate with you on this Madam, I have had 6 back surgeries so it takes a lot out of me just to piece for an hour or so, then to start thinking about quilting on DSM with all the pushing & pulling threw the harp with the twists & turn to just SID I find I put it off more & more, but I wont let myself start anything new until I finish the current project. I am pushing myself too hard now with trying to make a quilt for all 6 kids.....and all the while thinking about all the DGK quilts next. So it's QAYG for me until I can get the very old Tin Lizzie I bought put together and running & that too has me scared. It's like any excuse to not do something UGH>
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