Thread: D9P question
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Old 11-03-2014, 09:35 AM
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Default D9P question

I hope I word this correctly! I want to make a back for a quilt in D9P using 3 fabrics. I am considering making the starting blocks pretty large and just using 9 blocks. Would this look right? I am a beginner when it comes to larger quilts. The fabrics are Ford, Ford Mustangs and another Ford Mustang design. The front is a Ford Mustang panel and various colors of rectangles that are in the panel. My hubby loved the panel. By the time I managed to get the front sewed together it is close, if not, queen size. So that is the size I will need the back to be. He doesn't want a boring quilt back. LOL!
Thanks, love this site for advice.
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