Old 11-06-2014, 12:58 PM
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Location: East Scotland
Posts: 220

Hi there, thank you all so much for your wonderful comments.

I’m not sure if I should admit to this, but I kind of made it up as I went along! I had a picture in my head of what I wanted, but I have to say it didn’t quite end up like that. I did use a well-ken’t Scottish phrase quite a lot – that saying being “help ma bob”.

I started with the triangle cut-offs from the flying geese, which I joined up into pinwheels and hourglass blocks. I trimmed these to the size of the smallest unit, which handily turned out to be 3 inches unfinished, so all the additional blocks were made to match that size.

Then I made the diamonds – because I’d bought the tri-recs ruler a couple of months ago and hadn’t used it yet!

I made four 9-patches, simply because I like making 9-patches lol. Never made one this small before tho…

So by now I had 24 units. At this point I decided that if I lined one unit against each of the large purple triangles in the quilt, then I only needed 4 more units for the corners. I found I had 4 small maroon squares left over from mis-counting when making the 9-patches, so I used up the tiniest scraps to make wonky log cabins.

Now I had to join it all together somehow. I had pre-cut and laid aside enough of the purple dotty fabric to add the final outer border to match the inner. I decided to cut ‘ladder rungs’ with the remainder to add to either side of all the units. No sums here, just cut 1.5 inches wide, and added them to both ends of everything lol.

Then I had to work out what size plain squares I needed to align everything correctly. This is when I resorted to paper and pen…..

This is also when I started to say ‘help ma bob’ quite a lot lol.

I eventually worked it out for the square units, but the diamond shaped ones totally defeated me mentally!

I’m going to gloss over quite a lot of ‘help ma bob’ moments here!

I ended up on the floor with the quilt spread out, all the extra bits lined up, and using a ruler to measure the gaps! All very technically you understand he he. You should have seen the look on DH’s face!

So eventually, after a lot of ‘gittering about’ (another good phrase lol) I eventually found enough bits of fabric to fit it all together - tho not aligned as I’d planned cos I must have got the sums wrong after all!

If you look closely at the corners, you’ll see that the last few inches are made up from 1 inch wide strips joined together. This was the very last of my dotty fabric. Desperate need calls for desperate measures lol. But on the Galloping Horse Principle, only I will know it’s like that once it’s quilted!!

Again, thank you all for your great comments, and I'm looking forward to playing with more scraps in January - hopefully slightly bigger scraps than these were lol.
Cheers, K
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