Old 11-06-2014, 04:35 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Posts: 474

[h=2]500 Free Quilter's Cash Points & New Canadian Shipping Rates[/h]Let’s face it, even though you Canucks are our next-door neighbours (notice my Canadian spelling), you pay A LOT more for shipping than our customers down here in the US do. I mean, it’s probably because once your package reaches the Canadian border, it then has to be transported by dogsled or moose-back to your igloo, and on the way, the mail man has to stop seven times to grab a Tim Horton’s coffee to warm himself up. But still, shipping rates from the US to Canada are, as you would say, “hosers”, plain and simple. And just because you have free-healthcare and we don’t, doesn’t mean that your shipping rates have to be so painful.
So a couple of months ago, we decided to make Canadian shipping rates as simple as the metric system. If you hadn’t heard, we introduced $20 flat Canadian shipping. So you can order quilting supplies that weigh as much as 14 hockey pucks, 12 large poutines with extra cheese, Bryan Adams, all the extra letter “U’s” that you guys use when you spell stuff, a bathtub full of maple syrup, a wad of multicolored currency, a treasure chest full of twoonies and loonies, a Newfie, and the entire starting line of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and it’ll still only cost you twenty bucks! So get oot and aboot (out and about) and gather your Canadian quilting friends and make an order the size of the Northwest Territories (the size it was before Nunavut came into play), and we’ll ship it for just $20!
And just to show how much we love you, your female music artists, male comedians and your Jeopardy hosts, we’ve placed 500 Quilter’s Cash points in your account towards your very next order! So let those red, white and …. uh….red colors wave for $20 flat shipping to our friendly neighbours to the north!
Click HERE to see today's Daily Deal and get to shopping. And remember, share with your friends because group international orders are best!
Jenny and the MSQC team
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