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Old 11-06-2014, 07:34 PM
NJ Quilter
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I am fortunate enough to get to Baltimore, MD (or vicinity) several times a year for crab cakes....cuz for me, they are the only ones to have! And that was actually last year's gift. We had been to the Inner Harbor a couple of years ago for a long weekend and had a wonderful restaurant recommended by the hotel. So last year we went to Moe's (or is it Mo's?) for dinner. We gave up the traditional gift-giving thing several years ago for birthdays and holidays and instead use those $$ to travel - be it far or near. Baltimore is my home town and there or the MD Shore are the only 'real' places for crab cakes for me. We'll be there in May if not before so fabric was a nice alternative.
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