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Old 11-08-2014, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Dclutter64 View Post
I own a computerized quilting machine. There are so many different patterns you can buy or you can digititize your own. I do both. I also use it free hand. It takes just as much artistic talent to apply a computerized quilt design on a custom quilt as anything else. By the way it is a lot of work also. Digitizing a design can take days or weeks to do. Applying it on the quilt takes a lot of time to set up.

Many computerized designs were adapted from other non computerized designs. You can always take the concept or a part of the design you see and adapt it to your needs. That is what I did when I machine quilted on my domestic.

I think a lot depends on what you are interested in at the time. One day it isn't of interest and another day it will be. That happens to me a lot! Just depends on where you are in your learning cycle.
I agree with you Dclutter64, It's all about your personal preferences one person may like hand quilted items only!! someone may like a computer assisted quilt. It still a lot of work either way and one should not discredit either because they feel it does not take any skills to me that is Just Wrong, I love all aspects of the quilting processes and feel that if we don't like something then that's ok it's just not what you like. Move on.... )
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