Old 11-08-2014, 06:17 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: San Lorenzo, CA
Posts: 5,361

In life, balance must be maintained... Good with the bad...

(To start with, She's OK now..)

When I finished cleaning this up we took it outside to take "beauty shots". About 2 minuted into the session, Heather yells to come inside quick. I run in and find my 14 year old Husky Gwen having a major seizure on the living room floor. We get a blanket over her to hold her down so she does not hurt herself and speaking softly to her until it passes (about 1 and a half minutes) I will spare the messy details but we got her to the emergency vet clinic and the good news is she just continued to get better minute by minute. By the time the Dr. cam in Gwen was walking around and drinking water.... Wheeewww.. As long as we do not have another soon we will be ok. She is going in for blood work in a couple days (today was stressful enough)

Gwen is home and being just as annoyed at the younger dogs as ever.

(Sorry, need to share both sides of today's emotional yo-yo... one extreme to the other)
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