Old 11-10-2014, 06:33 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Brady TX
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Hey ya'll I tried ta take it easy taday but DH's truck broke down just 2 blocks from the house. I wasn't even dressed yet so I hurried & put my cloths on. DH walked back & grabed the tow strap. Any way I ended up towin' him & his truck home. Once I was home I did several things around here. Since DH retired we asked our housekeeper ta do half o' what she was doin'. She'll do half the house th'sweek & the other half next week. She has taken up a second job & was kinda relieved ta not come as much. This meant that I have ta do more o' it myself. So I got busy th'smornin' doin' stuff. I also actually cooked. I got the casserole ready at about 2:00 & put it in the fridge. Once 4:30 rolled around I popped it inta the oven. I went & picked DGN up at 3:00 as usual.
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