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Old 11-11-2014, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by PenniF View Post
You know what they say Kiffie.....

"the winds comin' down from the Rockies and ain't nothin' tween here and there but a barbed wire fence -- and it's down."
Truer words were never spoken! Lol...
I've never lived anywhere but here, so it's home.

They also say,
"If you don't like the weather here, stick around a few minutes..."

So, no snow here, sunny as all get out, and was 16 degrees at 7 a.m. I've always said if it's cold, there should be snow!!
Weatherman said we set a new record here for biggest temp change in less than 12 hours.. 66 degree change. Not necessarily a fun record to break, tho..

I have to say, it is nice to have the different seasons! But right now, I'd almost take 80+

Thanks so much! But not for the fact I have a pkg "staring" at me, saying, "Go ahead, who'll really know??!!". But then the "good Kif" ( yes, all you doubters, there IS a good Kif!!) She says, "Don't touch the tape on that pkg, put the pkg down, put it away. Remember the year you were 7 and you oh so carefully opened your gifts, then re taped them?? And on Christmas how disappointing it was to already know?? And how your parents were smart enough, and loving enough to know you'd done that...but they didn't say a word...they just let you open those gifts, and as you started to cry from guilt and sadness, your parents and YOU knew there was a BIG lesson there, and you NEVER peeked at a surprise again!"
So, the pkg is put up. When is the 6th again???!!!
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