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Old 11-14-2014, 04:40 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,585

Congratulations on your FW's! They are great machines for piecing quilts! I really lucked out on mine -- My son got it for me at Goodwill locally! It had no case or attachments, but it was and is in absolutely mint condition (1954), looked like it had never been used! My son paid $50! Then about a year and a half later, he found a Singer 403A, in extremely good condition -- it doesn't look like it's been used much at all, sews great -- he paid $41! I inherited a National Two Spool Machine, and am currently working on a Davis Minnesota Model A for my cousin. She has the irons and other stuff from my great-grandmother's machine, and I bought another off e-bay -- we're going to put parts of both of them together to make one good machine! All in all, I think we've gotten some very good deals -- I don't have room to collect any more machines. I don't want to have a machine I can't sew on! Your machine you worked over looks great! I'm fixing to coat these two treadles with shellac -- there's no rust on the machine body -- just on some of the metal parts, but the decals are very delicate. I want to protect them from any further loss!

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