Thread: neat story
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Old 11-14-2014, 10:43 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Posts: 227
Default neat story

This afternoon my husband saw a man making and selling walking sticks on the street, instead of asking for $ he wanted to make something of value (we now have two walking sticks). My husband noticed he had a couple of my quilts in his truck, one is for the truck, picnics or whatever. He picked up the other one and gave it to him (it was a cold winters night) I guess he was pretty overwhelmed by the gesture and said he would would be envied by his peers. I've been racking my brain for which quilt it was and can't come up with remembering it, but it really doesn't matter .My husband was afraid I would me mad, quite the opposite, I'm so proud of him and it doesn't matter which quilt it was, if he sleeps better in it's warmth tonight I am so happy and blessed. My husband, how I love him.
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