Old 11-18-2014, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by jaba View Post
Thanks ladies, I've been preaching forever! Brat it's time to listen, see I'm not the only one!!!!
Me, too Jaba!! Of course mine is long distance, but the sentiment is the same!
You can't take care of others if you're not here. And you've got to take care of yourself to attempt/ help out on being here!!!!!!!!
Is that enough !!!!!!!!! ??
You took care of your kids, they're now grown, and it's time to assist Momma Bear...
And I don't mean anyone's kids "owe" their parents. We chose to have kids...and nurture them, be responsible for them...and I know it doesn't stop when said kids turn 18. But it does evolve.
And as the grown daughter (ok, sometimes I may not act grown up..playing with my grandbabies kinda reverts me back...til they leave and I recall I AM OLD!!). Oops, off track, Anyway, as the adult daughter whose mom has lived with dh and I for 12+ years, I can say she's still the mom..no matter what... But now we help each other. And it's oh so nice to have that.
And even though my dh has health issues, he helps out. We all 3 help each other..Tada!
Some people say, "it's just different with guys, they're not good with caregiving..."
Um, hogwash! My hubby and our son (29 yrs old) are both terrific with helping out. It may not be the way I'd do something, but change is good, right?? And at least they're trying...
So, Ms. Brat, listen to us, let your family help you!!!

I've grown rather fond of "our" Brat... and our QB group. It feels like sisters I never had...and selfishly I want to keep every last one of you around!

Quilty hugs with a dash o' nag,

Last edited by kiffie2413; 11-18-2014 at 08:08 AM.
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