Old 11-18-2014, 08:38 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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You be a great friend, like you are. And great friends sometimes tell us what we may not necessarily want to hear...But if it's said with love (love yas, Brat!!) Then I reckon it's ok.

Plus I have to say, one thing that really got me thinking (I know, egads..scary!) Is my mother-in-law bent over backwards for her daughter..But my dh and his brother were treated very differently.
It's a long story, my mil did everything for my sil.. Almost 3 years ago mil passed away.. way too early in my opinion.. Didn't take care of herself at all.
My sil just had her 4th child in 8 yrs...and she's "lost" because her mom did everything. Sometimes love means teaching others how to stand strong, and letting them help you out, too... So you know you did your best, and they'll be ok if/when you're gone...
And I say this to myself, too.. So it's not really nagging, right??!! Plus it's said with L.O.V.E.
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