Old 11-19-2014, 04:54 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Maine
Posts: 1,036

Those pie tins are so cute. I would have never thought of using them for a pc. The hexie nc looks like a very nice one, love the colors.
We are suppose to get a mix tonight thru morning. Hope we can get to my DH's appts tomorrow. When he was sick something happened to his eyes. He said they felt like they were dilated because everthing was so bright. His eye Dr.
wants to check them, since he has eye complications from diabetes. His diabetes appt is also tomorrow. He has an insulin pump. One Dr is 2 1/2 hrs and the other is 2 hours away. With mixed percipatation and cold weather the roads could be a mess. I hate black ice. The older I get the more it bothers me to be on slippery roads. Sometimes it doesn't pay to live so far away from the big cities.
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