Old 11-21-2014, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Neesie View Post
I'm taking (another) break from sewing. I 'needed' a cup of mocha!

Am working on a panel quilt, for my great-niece. Just in case anyone connected with the little sweetheart happens to read the QB, I'll wait until after she receives it, to tell more. I'd like for it to be a surprise. After I finish this, I need to get to work on one for my great-nephew. Then sometime in the very near future, I really, really need to make one for my SON!!! Bless his heart! He won't tell me what color(s) he'd like, so his has been pushed to the back burner. I'm hoping that by the time I finish these other two, I'll have made up my mind about his. Needless to say, I have several combinations of possible fabrics, to use. You know the routine - buy one set of fabric, then decide on a different set, then another. . . . <sigh> ANYWAY, these other two will hopefully be finished in time for Christmas. The little girl's is almost finished. Just need trimming and binding, then clipping of stray threads. The little boy's is just a certain arrangement of squares. I'm expecting an order from Thousands of Bolts, any day now. Needed more greens and had already picked over the ones from my stash and at Hobby Lobby.

Always nice, when one's printer decides to just start making noise, out of the blue, all on its own!!! It's a wireless printer and dh isn't home, so I keep expecting some stranger's document to show up on my printer! Turns out it was just doing its thing, whatever that is! Crazy contraption!
wow, busy busy lady. I can't seem to find time for my quilting with work and all, tells me the only thing I can do is make the time.
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