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Old 11-23-2014, 11:45 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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I have a cleaning lady that owns her own business, she came highly recommended and as it turned out I had worked with her mother. The lady has 4 kids and she needed to be able to control her own schedule. She comes every other week and the primary duty is cleaning the kitchen and both bathrooms. She also dusts and vacuums all the rooms but does not move items. I knew this when I hired her. So we do straighten up the place before she comes. But it is best for us to put things away than someone else.

My mother didn't trust strangers to clean her house. So when she was unable to do it, I was the only one cleaning her bathroom when I came twice a year. My sisters didn't mind cleaning up the kitchen while staying with her, but I was the one that did the bathroom. I tried to vacuum one time and she got upset. But it needed to be done - I was surprised she didn't have mice.

When I first hired my cleaning lady I was nervous and felt embarrassed - but if I liked cleaning and was good at it, why hire someone to do it? I love it now - I do other things while she is here.
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